Title: The Christmas List
Author: Richard Paul Evans
Genre: Holiday, Fiction
Length: 349 pages (hardback) Rating: 3 out of 5 |
James Kier is a busy real estate executive with a wife, son...and...girlfriend. Kier and his girlfriend make plans to go away for the weekend, after he meets with his wife to review the final divorce settlement. Kier arrives early and while waiting for his girlfriend, falls asleep. He wakes up in the morning to discover that she never arrived. The next thing he knows the paper has run his obituary.
Kier goes online where he sees all kinds of comments pouring in about him. These are comments that you don't want to read about yourself. The ones that are defending him and who he is, or really who he was, are from his wife. The person who he served divorce papers to the day she had her first chemotherapy treatment. The one who he just had a divorce settlement conversation with the day before.
Kier decides he wants to change his legacy. He asks his secretary for help. She arrives at a list of five individuals that were most impacted by his behaviors over the years. He decides he wants to right these wrongs, thinking it won't take much time and that these individuals will be happy to see him.
I will admit I did struggle with a few items within the book. How did Kier's son not know that he wanted to be a social worker when he was younger? How did he not know the stories of the kind of man his father was? Has the author been around someone with cancer before? Why is the author making it appear that pancreatic cancer is much easier to go through than it really is?
Overall, the moral of this book is a good one. You should always be aware of how you treat others. Take time to consciously be the person you want to be, the one that leaves a legacy to be proud of!
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