Title: Rainbow Mars
Author: Larry Niven
Genre: Science Fiction
Length: 369 pages (paperback)
Sensitive Content: Sexual
Rating: 3 out of 5 |
Hanville Svetz works for the Institute for Temporal Research, which is on future Earth. He is a time traveler who collects extinct species and specimens from the past.
Svetz learns that Mars was inhabited and convinces his team to go back in time and learn more. What appears to be minutes for Svetz and his team is months for the team in the future who is building contraptions large enough for his specimens...on Mars as well as on Earth. As he goes bak to retrieve items, he begins to notice slight changes when he returns.
The book was a bit slow and difficult to get into. The story suddenly ended and there were short stories at the back of the book. I really enjoyed those stories and would have placed them at them at the beginning of the book instead.
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