Author: Marie Kammerer Franke
Genre: Science Fiction, Fantasy
Length: 376 pages (paperback)
Sensitive Content: Violence, Sexual
Rating: 2 out of 5
Aylin wakes up, not certain what has happened. She is a captive of an individual that is not quite human. They are on the run, not certain what she is running from, not certain where she is.
She learns from Catch that she is from the past, roughly 40,000 years. The Earth ended with a few years of her wedding. A group of humans were saved, she wasn't one of them. He was sent back to obtain an original human to help obtain a cure to a virus that is impacting the evolved humans, who are dying off fast.
She's swept into a whirlwind of activity from being a lab rat to constant fighting with Catch to causing issues for Elpis (the planet she is now on). She's found that she's actually uncovering something much deeper than just the virus.
The story was difficult to follow. Franke shifted from the distant past to the present to the recent past. While she said she was inspired by Doctor Who, Bill Nye, Cosmos and a few other shows and books, all that I love, it was often difficult to follow the train of thought.
I honestly had a hard time reading this book due to all of the grammar and spelling issues. Sentences are hard to follow as words appear to be missing. Their/they're/there as well as your/you're are used as if they are the same. Clearly this book needed an editor's or publisher's review.
This is the first of four books in her series. I will not be picking up any of the others.