Title: High Stakes
Author: Dick Francis
Genre: Mystery, Crime
Length: 223 pages (paperback)
Sensitive Content: Love Scenes
Rating: 4 out of 5 |
Set mostly in and around London, we are introduced to the conflict immediately between Steven Scott and Jody Leeds. Steven is an inventor turned race horse owner and Jody is his trainer. The opening lines of the book are the discussion, or should I say argument, that the two men are having.
The lines are clearly drawn. Steven is a young and wealthy newcomer to the racetrack. He has basically no knowledge about buying, training, and racing the horses he owns. Jody is an overly ambitious trainer that is taking advantage of Steven's good nature and inexperience.
After Steven fires Jody, he places his horses with three other trainers as quickly as possible. He has staked his reputation on Energise, a young black hurdler. When he goes to visit the horse for the first time after the argument, he is certain there is something wrong...he doesn't believe it's the same horse...his horse.
We find Steven making friends who are willing to help him along the way as he tries to uncover this mystery. He also picks up a love interest early on in the book who is from the States.
Reading this book was like stepping back in time as it was first published in 1975. I enjoyed the nostalgia of the phone ringing and people stopping by unannounced to check on each other. So many mysteries today have one individual trying to figure it all out with maybe a love interest thrown in who is helping. I enjoyed the comradery of the friends that Steven made and that he was never alone on his path to solving his problem. The book was fast paced and a very easy read.